Happy Lunar New Year from the 1234 Great Highway Team. We wish you good luck in the Year of the Snake!
Click here to view the latest design update for 1234 Great Highway.
按此處查看 1234 Great Highway 的最新設計更新。
Senior Housing on San Francisco's West Side
Located in the Outer Sunset, 1234 Great Highway will provide much-needed affordable housing for low-income seniors in San Francisco. It will center tenant needs by providing on-site resources and incorporating features that embrace community and also encourage aging-in-place. It will feature outdoor spaces that maximize the stunning location on the western coast of the city and invite residents to venture outdoors. A joint venture with TNDC and Self-Help for the Elderly, 1234 Great Highway is estimated to be completed in 2028.
位於 外日落區,1234 Great Highway 將為三藩市的低收入長者提供急需的可負擔房屋。它將透過提供當地資源並融入社區和鼓勵居家養老的方式來滿足租戶的需求。樓宇建築將以最大限度地利用城市西海岸的迷人地理位置設置戶外空間,並邀請居民參與更多的戶外活動。作為TNDC和安老自助處的合作項目--1234 Great Highway預計將於2028年完工。
Monthly Virtual Office Hours with the 1234 Great Highway Team
Questions or comments about the project?
Connect with us over Zoom during our monthly virtual office hours.
Office hours will take place the third Wednesday of every month from 2:30 - 3:30pm.
Zoom link:
1234 大公路虛擬辦公室辦公時間表
請在虛擬辦公室辦公時間 按以下接結
辦公時間為每月第三個星期三下午 2:30 至 3:30。

Self-Help for the Elderly
Since 1966, Self-Help for the Elderly has provided assistance and support to seniors in the San Francisco area. We provide trustworthy and devoted care for seniors to promote their independence, dignity and self-worth. Our non-profit services and companionship help guide seniors to wellness and happiness. We want to contribute to longer, healthier, more purposeful lives for seniors.
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
At TNDC, we believe that everyone deserves to thrive. Since 1981 we've supported residents and community members in building transformative communities by providing affordable homes with supportive services, wellness opportunities, and community advocacy. Over the course of 41 years, we’ve innovated supportive housing practices with onsite social workers and wellness programming that meet unique community needs and foster cultural inclusion and belonging. Today, over 6,300 people are housed across our 45 buildings and in a few years we will reach over 10,000 people.
自 1966 年以來,安老自助處一直為三藩市及灣區的長者提供服務和支持。我們為長者提供值得信賴和全心全意的照顧,以提升他們的獨立能力、尊嚴和自我價值。我們的非營利及多元化服務引導長者走向健康和幸福。我們希望促進長者更長壽、更健康、更有意義的生活。
在 TNDC,我們相信每個人都應該生活得吏好。自 1981 年以來,我們透過提供可負擔房屋以及支援服務、改善健康狀況和社區宣傳,支持居民和社區成員建立一個美滿的社區。在過去的 41 年,我們透過當地社會工作者和健康促進計畫創新了支持性住房實踐,滿足了獨特的社區需求,促進了文化包容和歸屬感。今天,超過6300人住在我們的45棟建築裡,幾年後,我們的住房人數將超過 10,000 人。

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